
  • This is where we talk about the podcasts we’ve been on, reviews that are published, and so on. If you’re unsure about trying out the game, you can read a review, read someone’s actual play, listen to us talk about it, or even listen to people play the game in actual play podcasts. If you know of something that should be here, but isn’t, then let us know.

    Podcast / vidcast appearances

    • Rob was interviewed on All Games Considered about Gen Con 2010.

    • GameSalute‘s video interview with Rob, conducted at Myriad Games in New Hampshire.

    • Jennifer Wong is a really terrific interviewer and her show, The Jennisodes, covers the entire gameosphere. She interviewed Rob about my crazy ideas about how the idea of a “GM” doesn’t exist absent context of a particular game.

    • Rob’s been on The Podge Cast a number of times and he enjoyed the hell out of it whenever he was on. One time, they talked about how Rob was marketing the game, and another time where Rob came on to talk bullshit.

    • Theory from the Closet is hosted by Clyde Rhoer, who is one of the best interviewers in roleplaying game podcasting. He interviewed Rob about Misspent Youth, marketing strategy, ashcans, and many other issues.

    • The Walking Eye is another great show. The structure of the show is usually that they play a game, record three episodes of them doing so and release those, review the game, then interview the designer. They also do some assorted interviews, such as the time they had Joshua A.C. Newman and Rob on for a discussion about abandoning games. They also interviewed Rob after playing and reviewing the game. Finally, here are the episodes Rob is tagged on.

    Podcasts where the topic is Misspent Youth

    • The Jank Cast is an amazing podcast out of Chicago. Each episode, they talk about some issue in gaming, and smartly. Which means Rob agrees with them a lot. Also, they talk about the game a bunch. Rather than listing every episode that the game is mentioned on, here’s a search of their archives for “Misspent Youth


    Actual Play

Download for Free

Preview just the first chapter or download a complete version of the game, a PDF of what we printed on paper.

Misspent Youth: Core Rulebook
Misspent Youth: Sell Out with Me Supplement
Misspent Youth: Sell Out with Me Supplement

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